
Unconstrained Binary Quadratic Programming

Given a collection of \(n\) items such that each pair of items is associated with a profit value that can be positive, negative or zero, unconstrained binary quadratic programming (UBQP) seeks a subset of items that maximizes the sum of their paired values. The value of a pair is accumulated in the sum only if the two corresponding items are selected.

The UBQP problem will be tackle in this example.

UBQP problem definition

Understand the UBQP Problem

Given a collection of \(n\) items such that each pair of items is associated with a profit value that can be positive, negative or zero, unconstrained binary quadratic programming (UBQP) seeks a subset of items that maximizes the sum of their paired values. The value of a pair is accumulated in the sum only if the two corresponding items are selected. A feasible solution to a UBQP instance can be specified by a binary string of size \(n\), such that each variable indicates whether the corresponding item is included in the selection or not.

Mathematical definition

More formally, the conventional and single-objective UBQP problem is to maximize the following objective function:


where \(Q=(q_{ij})\) is an \(n\) by \(n\) matrix of constant values, \(x\) is a vector of \(n\) binary (zero-one) variables, i.e., \(x \in \{0, 1\}\), \(i \in \{1,...,n\}\), and \(x'\) is the transpose of \(x\).

UBQP Problem instance generation

To define our quadratic assignment problem instance, we will use the available mUBQP multi-objective quadratic problem generator.

Genration of the instance

We will limit ourselves here to a single objective for the purposes of this example. The available file mubqpGenerator.R, will be used to generate the instance (using R language).

Rscript mubqpGenerator.R 0.8 1 100 5 42 ubqp_instance.txt

The main parameters used for generating our UBQP instance are:

  • ρ: the objective correlation coefficient

  • M: the number of objective functions

  • N: the length of bit strings

  • d: the matrix density (frequency of non-zero numbers)

  • s: seed to use

Load data instance

We are now going to load this instance via a Python code which will be useful to us later on:

qap_instance_file = 'ubqp_instance.txt'

n = 100 # the instance size

# load UBQP instance
with open(ubqp_instance_file, 'r') as f:

    lines = f.readlines()

    # get all string floating point values of matrix
    Q_data = ''.join([ line.replace('\n', '') for line in lines[8:] ])

    # load the concatenate obtained string
    Q_matrix = np.fromstring(Q_data, dtype=float, sep=' ').reshape(n, n)

print(f'Q_matrix {Q_matrix.shape}')


As we know the size of our instance and the structure of the document (header size), it is quite quick to look for the lines related to the \(Q\) matrix.

Macop UBQP implementation

Let’s see how it is possible with the use of the Macop package to implement and deal with this UBQP instance problem.

Solution structure definition

Firstly, we are going to use a type of solution that will allow us to define the structure of our solutions.

The available type of solution within the Macop package represents exactly what one would wish for.

Let’s see an example of its use:

from import BinarySolution

solution = BinarySolution.random(10)

The resulting solution obtained:

Binary solution [1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0]

UBQP Evaluator

Now that we have the structure of our solutions, and the means to generate them, we will seek to evaluate them.

To do this, we need to create a new evaluator specific to our problem and the relative evaluation function we need to maximise:

  • \(f(x)=x′Qx=\sum_{i=1}^{n}{\sum_{j=1}^{n}{q_{ij}⋅x_i⋅x_j}}\)

So we are going to create a class that will inherit from the abstract class macop.evaluators.base.Evaluator:

from macop.evaluators.base import Evaluator

class UBQPEvaluator(Evaluator):
"""UBQP evaluator class which enables to compute UBQP solution using specific `_data`

- stores into its `_data` dictionary attritute required measures when computing a UBQP solution
- `_data['Q']` matrix of size n x n with real values data (stored as numpy array)
- `compute` method enables to compute and associate a score to a given UBQP solution

def compute(self, solution):
    """Apply the computation of fitness from solution

        solution: {Solution} -- UBQP solution instance

        {float} -- fitness score of solution
    fitness = 0
    for index_i, val_i in enumerate(solution.getdata = )):
        for index_j, val_j in enumerate(solution.getdata = )):
            fitness += self._data['Q'][index_i, index_j] * val_i * val_j

    return fitness

The cost function for the Unconstrained binary quadratic problem is now well defined.


The class proposed here, is available in the Macop package macop.evaluators.discrete.mono.UBQPEvaluator.

Running algorithm

Now that the necessary tools are available, we will be able to deal with our problem and look for solutions in the search space of our UBQP instance.

Here we will use local search algorithms already implemented in Macop.

If you are uncomfortable with some of the elements in the code that will follow, you can refer to the more complete Macop documentation that focuses more on the concepts and tools of the package.

# main imports
import numpy as np

# module imports
from import BinarySolution
from macop.evaluators.discrete.mono import UBQPEvaluator

from macop.operators.discrete.mutators import SimpleMutation, SimpleBinaryMutation

from macop.policies.classicals import RandomPolicy

from macop.algorithms.mono import IteratedLocalSearch as ILS
from macop.algorithms.mono import HillClimberFirstImprovment

# usefull instance data
n = 100
ubqp_instance_file = 'ubqp_instance.txt'

# default validator
def validator(solution):
    return True

# define init random solution
def init():
    return BinarySolution.random(n, validator)

# load UBQP instance
with open(ubqp_instance_file, 'r') as f:

    lines = f.readlines()

    # get all string floating point values of matrix
    Q_data = ''.join([ line.replace('\n', '') for line in lines[8:] ])

    # load the concatenate obtained string
    Q_matrix = np.fromstring(Q_data, dtype=float, sep=' ').reshape(n, n)

print(f'Q_matrix shape: {Q_matrix.shape}')

# only one operator here
operators = [SimpleMutation(), SimpleBinaryMutation()]

# random policy
policy = RandomPolicy(operators)

# use of loaded data from UBQP instance
evaluator = UBQPEvaluator(data={'Q': Q_matrix})

# passing global evaluation param from ILS
hcfi = HillClimberFirstImprovment(init, evaluator, operators, policy, validator, maximise=True, verbose=True)
algo = ILS(init, evaluator, operators, policy, validator, localSearch=hcfi, maximise=True, verbose=True)

# run the algorithm
bestSol =, ls_evaluations=100)

print('Solution for UBQP instance score is {}'.format(evaluator.compute(bestSol)))

UBQP problem solving is now possible with Macop. As a reminder, the complete code is available in the file.